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Hello and welcome to our page! We are Tim and Noelle Beck, although chances are you already know that. Over the years it has been so valuable for us to take time away to rest and retreat. So we wanted to create a space that we could do that, individually, with our family, and offer it to our friends & family (that’s you) to use it for rest, recreation and reconnection! 

We wanted to create a space for rest and retreat! There is such a need to disconnect from busyness of the life and rest. God designed us this way to recharge through rest, especially rest in Him! We also know how hard it is to make the time to get away, so we built this cabin hoping to give you a specific place, not too far away, for free, to eliminate at least a couple barriers that keep you from taking time away. 

The cabin is set up for individuals or families! It’s designed to enjoy the outdoors, or stay warm and cozy inside. There are 4 bedrooms, two bathrooms and 13 acres of land to find rest and retreat! 

We tried to create a space that would be conducive for rest & retreat.  Although we each will find these differently, here are a handful of suggestions to help.  And if you need any personalized help, ask Noelle, she loves helping people figure out how to retreat!  

  • Sleep – actual, physical sleep at anytime and for any length.
  • Read – we have a few books if you don’t know what to read.
  • Take a deep bath – with bubbles and bath bombs.
  • Journal, draw, write, or color.
  • Sit by the fire – inside or outside.
  • Drink good coffee – we have all the coffee supplies.
  • Watch the sunrise – for some of you that’s the opposite of rest.
  • Look at the stars, it is so dark on the property you can see them all!
  • Take a walk around the property or on the nearby trails.
    • Check out this page for hiking trails nearby. 
  • Fish in our pond (fish coming soon).
  • Swim in our pond. 
  • Float, raft, kayak, canoe or just play in the Grand River.
  • Visit Ohio’s best wineries. 
  • Get some good food at fun restaurants. 
  • Pick your own fruits at a nearby farm. 
  • Visit Lake Erie – we are only 15 minutes from the lake.


6977 Griswold Rd.
Madison, OH 44057